Who needs flowers when you can have food?

Next time you want to send something special to that special someone, consider food, not foliage. (Hint to my loved ones.) How about a dozen chocolate-covered strawberries from Shari’s Berries? Heavenly! Or a dozen bags of specialty-flavor popcorn, packed in a cool wooden crate, from Dale & Thomas? Addicting! Or a couple dozen of the famed Neimen Marcus chocolate chip cookies? Yummm. Or something from a local bakery? Awesome. Or (and?) dinner at a favorite local restaurant. Fabulous. Or… something from your own kitchen, made with love? Best ever.

While my patio garden contains foliage, by default, the focus is food, not flowers. Except those that turn into food. 🙂 Oh, did I mention that I’m just not good at keeping up nice perennial or annual flowers? Must be a sign. Oops, back to the garden….Tomatoes, green bell peppers, banana peppers, blackberries, cilantro, parsley, basil, and rosemary.


My patio garden in early June.

Look at that cute little banana pepper trying to make its way into the world!


Baby banana pepper

Blackberries need more TLC and encouragement to go crazy.


– K

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